Friday, January 26, 2018

Kindergarten News!

The Star of the Week!

The Star shared his answers (favorite color - blue, favorite food - oranges, favorite story - The Very Hungry Caterpillar, favorite animal - dog, and when he grows up, the star wants to be a race car driver) with the children.

The Star's favorite snack.

The bl Blend Expert!

The Blend Expert read Blueberry Muffins by Joy Cowley.

A blue crayon for our Blend Wall.

Slippery Penguins on Ice Experiment
The children experimented with ice and textures to see how well their slippery ice "penguins" slid down a slope. We discussed why penguins slide so fast on ice.

The th Blend Expert!

The Blend Expert read Teeth by Joy Cowley.

A thermometer for our Blend Wall.

The Star shared his family photos with the class.


 Star Jeremiah shared his favorite toy with the children.

Star Jeremiah and his mom shared his favorite story, Too Many Mangos by Tammy Paikai.

The children enjoyed shopping for books at the book fair.  A special thank you to the Parents' Association for making this event so special!

The Kindergarten and Fifth Graders did a wonderful job at the assemblies this week presenting and sharing the meaning of perseverance, never giving up.  They shared a story, two songs, as well as something they can't do....yet!

The Power of Yet!

I hope you enjoyed the blog.
Mrs. Geissler

Monday, January 22, 2018

Kindergarten News!

Literacy and Math Games!

Sight Word Fishing

"Wiggle Worm"

The tr Blend Expert!

The Blend Expert read One, One is the Sun by Joy Cowley.

A truck for our Blend Wall.

The children were excited for their first day of lunch in the AP Room!

In Reading, our poem and story were "The Thorn Song" and The Red Rose by Joy Cowley.  Lexington, our Word Wall Rock Star, helped us add our four new sight words (and, in, said, and was) to our Word Wall.


Ryan's mom was the surprise reader for the 80th day of school!

I hope you enjoyed the blog.
Mrs. Geissler