Friday, April 27, 2018

Kindergarten News!

The Star of the week!

The Star's favorite snack.

The children were excited to put their stakes that they painted in the garden with their buddies!

The Star shared photos of family and friends with the class.

Word family fun!

The Star's favorite Pete the Cat story.

Trinkets and Treasures

The Star enjoys playing soccer. 

His favorite fidget spinner.

The Star's favorite matchbox cars.

The chef and his sous chef created a healthy and delicious Fruit Tart.

In Reading, our story and poem were Mrs. Wishy-Washy and "Mud."
Our Word Wall Rock Star helped us add our four new sight words (all, he, have, and look) to our Word Wall. 


I hope you enjoyed the blog.
Mrs. Geissler

Friday, April 20, 2018

Earth Day!

Hooray, It's Earth Day!

The Lower School gathered in the Plumeri Gym to start the day.
Kindergarten performed a song about trees!
The children did a wonderful job!

The children decorated planting stakes with their Buddies for the Lower School garden.

Waiting to plant!

The children planted sweet mint, sweet basil, cilantro, curled parsley, strawberries, and pansies.

Happy Earth Day!
Mrs. Geissler

Friday, April 13, 2018

Kindergarten News!

The chef and her sous chef created a healthy and delicious "Quick Chick!" 

The children enjoyed creating and eating their own "Quick Chicks!"

The children created space crowns.

Enjoying the weather!

I hope you enjoyed the blog.
Mrs. Geissler