Friday, March 16, 2018

Kindergarten News!

We really enjoyed the warm weather on the playground!

In Reading, our poem and story were "Hey Diddle Diddle" and Dan, the Flying Man by Joy Cowley.  Our Word Wall Rock Star helped us add our four new sight words (am, if, me, and over) to our Word Wall. 

The children enjoyed the PreK and JK's performance about friendship!

Macayla and Kadyn did an outstanding job on their presentation!

Table top toys with our Fifth Grade Buddies!

The 100th day of school activities continued with a STEM project and teamwork.  The children created structures with 100 gum drops and 100 toothpicks.

The Star of the Week!

The star shared his favorite snack with the class.

The star shared his answers (favorite color - red, favorite story - Where's My Mom?, favorite animal - leopard, favorite food - hot dogs, and when he grows up, the star wants to be a builder) with the children.

The children had a great time reading Dr. Seuss books with their Fifth Grade Buddies!

The First Grade classes performed Elephant and Piggie stories for us!

Creativity with addition stories!

Class trip to Stop and Shop!
March is National Nutrition Month!

Stopping to smell the roses!

A special thank you to our chaperones!

The children enjoyed the tour of the store.  It was fun to go in the back of the bakery and see where the bread is made!

Michael, from Mr. Head's 5th Grade class, was our surprise reader for the 110th Day of School!

Star photos

The star did a wonderful job presenting his trinkets and treasures with the children.
He enjoys playing with and learning about dinosaurs.

The Polar Express is his favorite Christmas movie, and he loves trains!

His favorite toy is his remote control car!

Star Jaivan and his dad shared his favorite story, Where's My Mom? with the class.

The children did an amazing job performing "Tengo una Familia Grande!"

Chef Jaivan and his sous chef created a delicious Space was out of this world!

Happy Birthday!

I hope you enjoyed the blog.
Mrs. Geissler