Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Kindergarten News!

The Star of the Week!

The Star's favorite snack!

The star did a wonderful job sharing pictures of her family with the class.

The Star shared her favorite story, Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, with the children.

Macayla was so surprised when her mom came in as the surprise reader!

 The Star did a wonderful job sharing her trinkets and treasures with the both Kindergarten classes.

The chef and her sous chef did a fabulous job creating a healthy and delicious Veggie Snowman!

I hope you enjoyed the blog.
Mrs. Geissler

Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day!

The children had so much fun at the dance!

The children enjoyed passing out their Valentine's Day cards and treats!

I hope you enjoyed the blog.
Mrs. Geissler

Friday, February 16, 2018

Hooray, it is the 100th day!

Happy 100th Day of School!

100's in disguise!
The children also wrote their bucket list of what they would like to do before they turn 100!

The children did an amazing job presenting their projects!

100th Day Centers!

100 steps to lunch with our Fifth Grade Buddies!

Say cheese!

100 exercises!
What a fun day!
Mrs. Geissler